Tuesday, February 16, 2010

How To Kill Ants

In this post we discuss How to kill ants.
Ants often live in big colonies varying from 100 ants to as large as 4 million ants. If ants are invading your house, then there's got to be something they like. Maybe its a good spot for their nest or maybe they find food there. Make sure your house is clean and you don't have some nice food lying around for the ants to find. Because if they find it, they run back to their nest leaving a certain pheromone trail behind them to come back with bigger troops of ants.

If you find few ants wandering around your house then the first thing is to find out where are they coming from. Where is their nest. Because there they reproduce. If you only kill the one you see in the house then you are going to kill ants rest of your life. Therefore you have to remove the source.
To find out where they come from, you have to follow them.If they are living in the ground and you found the entrance then cover it with a clay pot which will not be blown away so easily. In a few days ants have moved up from the soil with their white larvae. You can now collect it and kill the eggs.

Another way to kill ants is using boric acid. It is toxic to ants and other insects. Make a 50:50 mixture with icing sugar and place it near the nest. That method should destroy the colony. Boric acid is being used in many commercial products and it is relatively non-toxic for humans and their environment. yet you might want to keep the mixture away from pets and children.

Third option to kill ants fast is by using boiling water. Just pour a few gallons over the mounds and into the pavement cracks where they come from.

Also there are a lot of household products to kill ants. Some chemicals are usually available only for the professionals, but nowadays you can get anything from the pest control products websites. When using those products its important to read the labels carefully.

So if you are going to kill ants you first must find out the source. Secondly: figure out the tactics to kill them. Thirdly: Kill ants.
Fourthly: prevention from the future invasions( keeping your house clean, closing any obvious entrance cracks and holes, etc)

Remember! In case you have small children or pets you have to use caution if using chemicals or other toxic substances.

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